Saturday, August 29, 2015

Grow some stuff

Even if it is just a tiny pot and it's all the space and time you can manage. Grow something! Organic produce can be expensive and sometimes we don't realize with a little time and effort we can grow our own for a fraction of the cost. Seriously fraction. Make your own compost! There is your dirt. Buy some local heirloom seeds for $2. They last forver and you can harvest your own seeds. Plant and watch! It's also rewarding seeing what you have grown yourself, come to life! You don't have to do much other than water and watch! Sometimes it will rain and than you don't even have to do that. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Cod Liver Oil for kids?

I don't give the girls many things in the way of supplements etc. as I believe a wholesome diet does the trick, but we do give Cod Liver Oil. What is Cod Liver Oil? Co Liver Oil is an oil derived from a fish's liver. It is one of the highest carrying foods of vitamin D & A. It also naturally has DHA, which for children is important for a healthy growing brain. 

This is the brand we use. I will admit, when first giving it to your kids it is an acquired taste. You give one teaspoon daily and I usually give it to the girls after breakfast. Make sure you keep it in the refridgerater so that it stays fresh and doesn't go rancid. 

The girls love it now! Every morning after breakfast they say, "Im ready for my vitamin"! 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

The importance of a good morning start

Our mornings are the foundation for our health. We sleep all night and our bodies go into hibernation mode so when we awaken it's time to prepare our bodies for the day. I like to start by doing a couple sun salutations (yoga) or some light stretching. This helps let the muscles know you are awake. Than I follow it by drinking a cup of warm water. I sometimes add lemon juice and ginger. This helps awaken the digestive system to better prepare it for the day. Let it settle in your stomach for a good 30 minutes before eating breakfast. Lastly, breakfast! The most important meal of the day. Make this meal count with either a smoothie packed full of greens and fruits, or a bowl of fiber filled hot cereal and berries, or protein filled eggs on whole wheat toast. There are many ways to make your breakfast stand up to the challenge. Don't walk out the door with s donut or just coffee. This will set the tone for how your day will be and how you will feel. I have included a smoothie recipe below! You can actually make up freezer baggies for the week individually with all of the ingredients except the milk to help make your mornings faster.

Green Smoothie

1 half banana
1 cup kale or spinach 
1 cup berries 
1/3 cup mango
1 tbsp almond butter 
1/4 an Avacado 
1 tsp chia seeds 
1 capsule of turmeric opened 
1 tsp of cod liver oil 
1 1/2 cup almond milk

Monday, August 17, 2015


Thank you for reading my blog!
I look forward to sharing my thoughts on how to live a healthier, natural, and green lifestyle. In today's day and age we are so glued to electronics that we may forget to stop and smell the roses. Literally. According to a new study, not being connected to the earth enough can cause us to feel down in the dumps! Remember when we were children and we played outside barefoot? Being outside barefoot can connect you to the earth and recharge you (for a better term) emotionally and physically. I will put the link below that explains it better. We have an earthing mat on the way, and I plan to give a great video/post about our review. I'm going in open minded, with the hopes to give an honest and fair review to help those of you who are reading this and contemplating investing into one. So anyways, here is earthing!